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Motivation- The Great Indian Scholar and Teacher, 4th century BCE

Kids Motivation

In ancient India, there lived a wise teacher named Chanakya. He was known for his intelligence, wisdom, and teaching skills. One day, a young boy named Vishnu approached Chanakya and asked him to teach him everything he knew.

Chanakya asked Vishnu why he wanted to learn. Vishnu replied, “I want to become a great scholar and make my family and my village proud.”

Chanakya was impressed by Vishnu’s determination and agreed to teach him. He taught Vishnu about various subjects such as history, mathematics, science, and literature. Vishnu was a bright student and quickly learned everything that Chanakya taught him.

After several years of studying, Vishnu became a great scholar and was respected by everyone in his village. He used his knowledge and skills to help his village prosper and solve various problems.

Years later, Chanakya met Vishnu again and asked him about his achievements. Vishnu replied, “I have achieved everything that I wanted to, and it’s all thanks to the education that you gave me.”

Chanakya smiled and said, “Remember, education is the key to success. It not only helps you achieve your dreams but also makes you a better person. So never stop learning, and always use your knowledge to help others.”

This story shows the importance of education and how it can help individuals achieve their dreams and make a positive impact on society. It teaches kids that education is not just about getting good grades or a high-paying job, but it is also about gaining knowledge and skills that can be used to make the world a better place.

Motivational Video

Importance of education

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